15 Must Haves During My Pregnancy

As I am writing this blog post, I am actually at full term (37 weeks) which is so crazy! This pregnancy has felt so long, but also very fast at times as well. I wanted to share some of the products that really got me through my pregnancy for all the other first time mommas out there who are curious about what they will need. These are my top 15 pregnancy must haves although I left a lot of things of this list that I only used for a little while or in a certain trimester, etc. Check out my first trimester recap and my second trimester recap for more tips and check back for my third trimester recap as well!

The New Rules Of Pregnancy book
I could not have gotten through my pregnancy without my body pillow, I kid you not! As far as maternity style, I really loved these staple pieces; midi tank dress, maternity leggings, and maternity overalls. A good pair of walking shoes is absolutely key as well, I wore these on my walks almost every day. You’ll want a good water bottle for all the water you will be drinking (the thirst is real) and I even added electrolytes to help! My (ex) partner and I read these two books (Nurture & The New Rules Of Pregnancy) early on in my pregnancy and they really got me informed about pregnancy. I also recommend a good belly butter/oil! I used the Hatch Mama Belly Oil through the first half of my pregnancy and Burt’s Bee’s Belly Butter & coconut oil for the last half.
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