5 Easy House Plants on Amazon

Ever since I started post videos about my plants on my TikTok I have gotten so many plant questions from beginners. So I thought I would share my 5 favorite, easy to care for house plants! I have been growing plants for about 6 years now and absolutely love them! I am no plant expert by any means but I have definitely learned a lot about them over the years. All 5 of these are available on Amazon and for under $20 so they are super affordable AND you can have them delivered straight to your front door!

This Janet Craig Compacta, or Dracaena, has been nothing but a dream! I have had almost zero problems with it, just a little trim here and there if the leaves start to dry out on the tips. It sits on the dresser in my bedroom so it does get quite a bit of indirect light throughout the day and I water it regularly. Basically just when the soil is dry! It looks so cute in this little West Elm inspired plant stand too. Only $10 on Amazon and delivered straight to your front door!

Golden Pothos
Golden Pothos is always the first plant that comes to mind when a beginner asks me what plants they should start out with. It’s super easy to take care of and grows insanely fast! When the vines get long, you can actually trim them off (at least five nodes back) and propagate it (in water) and plant it to make a new plant. That’s what I’m planning to do here soon with this one!
My Pothos sits in my kitchen which doesn’t get a ton of natural light. I needed a plant that could handle low light and the Pothos is one of them! I do set it by my balcony doors for about an hour a day to soak up some sun so that it can grow faster and maintain that “golden” look to the leaves. Under $10 on Amazon!

ZZ Plant
The ZZ plant is another plant that I highly recommend for beginners! Mine started out in a really small pot and then as soon as I replanted it into this bigger terracotta pot it started growing like crazy. The whole top layer is new growth! I water it when needed and it gets a good amount of indirect light from my covered balcony windows. This medium sized ZZ is under $15 on Amazon!
Another good house plant for beginners is the Heart-leaf Philodendron sitting next to my ZZ plant! It’s probably #6 on my list because I have had to maintain it a little more than the others on my top 5.

Snake Plant
Ok so it’s definitely a tie between the Snake Plant and the Golden Pothos for the #1 plant that I recommend to people! I would probably still say the Pothos because it technically grows faster but the Snake Plant is a little more durable in my opinion. Snake Plant’s are my favorite because I love the look of them! They can tolerate low light and a missed watering or two. They can also grow to be very large as well if you pot them in a bigger pot and give them a lot of sun + water. You can get a large one on Amazon for under $20!

The Limelight is another great plant for areas in your home that don’t get a lot of sun. Mine sits in my kitchen! I water it regularly and set it by my window with the Pothos for about an hour a day. I noticed that the more sun it gets the darker the leaves are! The less sun they get, the more “lime” colored the leaves are! Super low maintenance as well. Under $10 on Amazon!