Arizona Sunset Desert Photo Shoot

Over the Thanksgiving holiday I flew to Arizona to be with my family. My parents retired in Arizona a few years ago which I am very happy about because I LOVE the desert! I can’t get enough of the beautiful saguaros. Schyler would not be down with moving there because of the heat but it’s nice having a home base there that I can visit! During my time there, I really wanted to do a bohemian desert sunset photo shoot and I love how the photos turned out.

There is something about the desert that my bohemian heart just loves! We had to time these photos out just perfectly in order to get that beautiful sunset glow that I love so much. I love the shadows created in these first couple photos! My beautiful sister was kind enough to be my photographer for these.
First Aid Kit, Fleet Foxes, and Neil Young songs were stuck in my mind during this photo sesh!

Get the look!

We took some after the sun had set behind the Arizona mountains and the twilight type lighting ended up looking really cool too! I love creating photos so much, always have, and I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I do <3