Life Update & Dating As a Single Mom

Smith Rock, Bend, Oregon, Central Oregon, mom, baby boy, boy mom, family trip, family photography, single mom, new mom, first time mom, baby boy style, mommy style, mommy and baby style, fashion photography, travel photography, lifestyle blogger, life update, dating.

I have been meaning to share a life update on here for several months now but life has been so busy! For those of you that are new here, I was in a relationship with Sage’s father Schyler for almost 10 years, but we split up a little over halfway through my pregnancy due to his mental health issues. I held out a lot of hope that if he was able to get help, we would somehow be able to be a family again. Although he was able to get help eventually, and is doing better, it became very clear that would not be possible. It’s not something that I ever thought would happen before I got pregnant and this whole situation has been very tough to share, but unfortunately that has been my reality. I gave everything I had to give in that relationship and it was very hard for me to come to terms with the fact that love is sometimes not enough. But at least I can say that I know in my heart that I tried everything I could to help him, especially for Sage. Sharing our story has been difficult and very vulnerable, but I know that I made the right choice in doing so because of how many people, particularly other single moms, have reached out.

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Smith Rock, Bend, Oregon, Central Oregon, mom, baby boy, boy mom, family trip, family photography, single mom, new mom, first time mom, baby boy style, mommy style, mommy and baby style, fashion photography, travel photography, lifestyle blogger, life update, dating.

Sage will always be my main focus, but I have started dating again which I’m very excited about! It’s funny because when I became single at 6 months pregnant, the idea of dating again horrified me. I was worried about having to explain my situation and whether or not someone would accept Sage and I into their lives. I knew that it would take a certain kind of person with a really big heart and that it wouldn’t be impossible, but most likely challenging to find that person. It was very overwhelming and scary for me because I met Schyler when I was 20, so I never really did the whole dating thing and definitely never did dating apps. I made a promise to myself that I would start dating again when my baby was 6 months old to give myself time to heal. After I had Sage, my hormones were so out of whack, postpartum was very tough for me as a single mom and just learning how to take care of a newborn. But once I got the hang of things, I started doing meditations and affirmations which completely changed my whole outlook on life and perspective about myself. I had felt a lot of guilt and shame for a long time wondering if I had missed signs or if I could have done things differently in my relationship with Schyler. But I now realize that I am someone with a big capacity for love and that is an amazing quality to have.

When I was about 4 months postpartum, I started feeling differently about dating and the idea of it actually started to make me feel excited and hopeful. I had done a lot of inner work on myself by this point and I think my hormones had finally regulated a little bit which probably made a big difference. I decided one day to go ahead and start a dating profile on Hinge. It took me awhile to figure out how to navigate the app at first! I matched with a lot of guys who stopped messaging me I’m assuming once they figured out I was a single mom, or maybe they just got busy, who knows. It was a bit of a bummer when I would be messaging someone and one of their first questions would be if the dad was in the picture, which I know is a valid question but maybe one that should be asked after getting to know me a little bit. But there were several guys who were still open after learning I was a single mom and my story which gave me a lot of hope! I ended up meeting someone very special really quickly, which I had never excepted to happen. That’s all I want to share for now, but if that changes I will be sure to update you guys on here.

Thank you so much for following along with me on my journey! I hope you stick around <3


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