Our First Holiday Season As A Family

This time of year has been extra special, not only because it’s baby Sage’s first holiday season, but also because it’s our first time celebrating them as a family with Andrew and Arlo! Meeting Andrew this year was such a blessing after everything I went through in the past year, and I have so much to be thankful for. I remember being so sad last year at this time, while I was still pregnant, and emotionally recovering from a difficult breakup. It’s amazing how much has changed in a year! Andrew has brought so much happiness into my life. I’m so lucky to have a second chance with an amazing man who makes my son and I feel so loved.

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We spent Thanksgiving with my parents and sister a few days early this year. Andrew made us an amazing Thanksgiving dinner and afterward we drove 10 hours up to Colorado to spend the holiday with his family. They were meeting Sage and me for the first time, and our visit went so well! His family was super nice, loving to Sage, and not once did I feel awkward or judged about being a single mom. We have already bought our tickets to fly up there for Christmas this year!
The last few years weren’t easy for either of us… My almost 10 year relationship with Sage’s dad ended due to mental illness, and Andrew lost his fiancé a few years ago. I know that because of what we went through, we value what we have together so much more. If we hadn’t been through those things in our lives, we certainly would never have met each other. Life works in mysterious ways, and you just never know what’s going to happen. Meeting Andrew has changed my life in so many ways and I’m so happy and excited for the future! Decorating our first Christmas tree, sending out our first Christmas cards, and taking family holiday photos are all traditions I can’t wait to continue doing together every year.