Sage Wylder’s Five & Six Month Baby Update

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I can’t believe Sage is now almost 8 months old! I am so behind on getting his 5 and 6 month baby update up because I have been busy with travel content from our Central Oregon trip, brand campaigns, and packing for our move which I will be sharing more about on here soon. So here is a quick recap of Sage’s milestones during these months! He has gotten so much gigglier but he can definitely be very serious and knows how to let us know what he wants lol. I sometimes think to myself how lucky I am to be this special boy’s mom during little moments throughout the weeks. He is changing so much everyday… it really does go by so fast!

Five Months


At five months, I started transitioning Sage from our bedside bassinet to his crib. This change wasn’t too difficult, it just took some time for him to get used to it. His crib mobile from Crane Baby really helped because he could look up at it and it would sometimes help him doze back to sleep. Overall though I was still waking up 4-5 times a night to get him back to sleep. I thought his Dreamland Baby sleep bag would do the trick, but unfortunately there was no improvement. To get him back to sleep without his cries disturbing my parent’s to much, I just put him on the boob. It’s definitely not an ideal situation, especially for this sleep deprived momma!


I was still breast feeding Sage on demand and using my Haakaa to collect extra milk which really came in handy during our Central Oregon trip! I would collect milk to give him during car rides when I wouldn’t be able to feed him and it would also help get him to sleep for naps. He did have his two bottom teeth start poking through at 5 months which definitely caused some fussiness from Sage! I used the Hyland’s Naturals drops to help alleviate his pain a bit.

Sage Loves

Sage loves being outdoors, it always calms him down! He also loves being held and cuddled. He started to sit up on his own for a few minutes more and more at 5 months. He loves playing with his toys and sticks everything in his mouth due to the teething! His Lovery play kits have been so amazing and take the guess work out of what toys he should be playing with at his age. He finally started liking car rides a little bit more once he realized he could look out the window. I love getting Sage to laugh by being animated! He likes it when I make a big fuss during dirty diaper changes, he thinks it’s soooo funny. He also laughed when we played peekaboo by hiding him under a muslin blanket and when his toys fall on the floor by accident making a loud bang. He also became a very big fan of dropping his toys constantly when sitting in his high chair!

Sage Doesn’t Love

Sage was still not a fan of tummy time at 5 months old and it was a constant struggle for me to try to squeeze that time in! He also didn’t love being left alone in his play gym or bouncer which used to entertain him. I think as his teeth started coming in he just needed a lot more comfort from mom!

Baby, baby update, baby boy, newborn, newborn baby, first baby, new mom, first time mom, baby style, neutral style, neutral baby stile, baby milestones, baby photography, boho style, sustainable style, neutral nursery, desert style, desert vibes, lifestyle blogger, fashion photography, lifestyle photography, The Urban Darling.

Six Months


Sleeping has still been a problem for us at 6 months and unfortunately is still just as bad at 7 1/2 months! Sage wakes up about every 1 1/2-2 hours and wants comfort from mom. I thought it was because of the 6 month sleep regression but since it’s still the same, I’m not sure what to do to fix it. I know he shouldn’t need any more than 1 feeding but I do give him the boo just to get us both back to sleep. He is still using his Dreamland baby sack because I think it’s better than nothing, but I’m starting to think it’s just the fact that my parent’s keep the house too hot! Maybe it will be better in the new house we are moving into where I can keep it cooler.


I’m still breastfeeding Sage although it has become much harder as he had a third tooth pop through, one of his middle front teeth! He had started biting me a bit when the bottom front teeth came in, but it became much worse when this one made it’s appearance. He will sometimes bite me depending on his mood which is not fun but not enough to stop me from breastfeeding at this point. I did start introducing solids to him at 6 months! I made a chicken and green bean blend which grew on him and he also tried avocado a few times but didn’t love it every time lol. I froze a batch of the chicken and green bean blend and thawed a bit out everyday to give him!

Sage Loves

At 6 months old, Sage went in my parent’s pool for the first time and loved it! He was splashing around like crazy and kicking his legs in the water. We started him on swimming lessons shortly after to work on water safety. After that, he started enjoying baths in his baby tub way more once he realized what he can do with water lol! Sage has also loved learning how to eat with his Lalo first bites kit. I’ve been making him homemade blends to try for his first solids.

Sage Doesn’t Love

Out of nowhere, Sage started hating being in his baby bouncer which was a real bummer for me because it was a convenient place to set him so I could take a shower or eat a meal. I had to start placing him in his high chair instead which he liked better if I put a few toys on the table for him to play with.


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