Sage Wylder’s Nine & Ten Month Baby Update
We just celebrated Sage Wylder’s 1st birthday party a few weeks ago, but I still wanted to get up two more update blog posts, his nine & ten month update and his eleven and twelve month update! Momma feels like she is sooo busy all the time now. At nine months, Sage started pulling himself up to sit. On Halloween he started crawling after weeks of trying on his own without our help. Whenever we would try to help him we didn’t really get anywhere, so we kind of just let him do it when he decided to. A few days later he started pulling himself up to stand! Ever since then, things have been crazy around here ;P
Nine Months

I finally came to the conclusion that just when you think you have things down with sleep, things quickly change. I feel like Sage has hit every single sleep regression there is without fail. Some days/weeks are better than others. I would say I consistently woke up about twice a night to nurse Sage back to sleep, some days several more times than that. Once he started standing up in his crib, we quickly lowered it all the way down. We noticed scratch marks all over his crib railing one day and decided to buy covers to go on the crib rail because he would naw on it with his poor little teeth. I started sleeping better after that, knowing at least his teeth would be protected.
I had started giving Sage solids at six months, but with the holiday season, it was a little hard to consistently introduce solids to him. We were just too busy! When he did eat, it was fruit or vegetable blends that Andrew had made for him. Towards the end of the month, we introduced organic yogurt melts to him which he loved, especially on his sore teeth/gums! I still nursed him about 5-6 times a day in addition.
Mommy Must Haves
I finally started focusing on creating a better self care routine for myself at this time, one that included yoga, meditation, affirmations, and stretching. I had really wanted to get back into those practices, but found it hard to make the time with my new relationship, house, work, baby, etc. Andrew and I started going running together as well! All of that helps so much with mental health, which is super important for momma. I love my new legging set (top and bottom) from Quince, my Hoka running shoes, and this yoga mat. It helps when you feel like you have something cute to workout in!
Sage Loves
We started using a baby walker to help encourage Sage to start walking. He hated it at first, but once he got the hang of it, he realized how much freedom it allowed him. He was zooming everywhere in it after that! It was also kind of nice to have a place to put him while I got ready in the morning or if couldn’t keep my eyes on him completely. He also loves going to the park and trying to “play ball” with Arlo. He is still figuring it out!
Sage Doesn’t Love
10 Months

We finally nailed down an awesome bedtime routine; bath, lotion & pajamas, nursing, book, and a little bit of rocking to sleep. I always make sure I stick to his routine as much as possible. For a long time I would nurse him to sleep, but I started nursing him before the book and rocking at about ten months because I knew I had to change that. His Frida Baby 3 in 1 sound machine is absolutely crucial, and he is still sleeping in his Dreamland Baby sleep bag. Sage sleeps 12 hours from about 7:30 pm to 7:30 am.
I was breastfeeding Sage about 6 times throughout the day, and several more times through the night at ten months old. Sage grew 4 more teeth for a total of eight teeth around this time, which led to sore nipples on my end if he nursed a little too rough. I had sores very early on when he was a newborn, but never again till this point. I started to get worried that I couldn’t keep breastfeeding because they hurt so much. Sage started to become a little more gentle after showing him several times that he was hurting me (by stopping the nursing), and I would slather on this nipple butter as often as possible. We were able to get through it, but Andrew and I did start to make a much bigger effort to wean him with solids.
Mommy Must Haves
As I had mentioned earlier, this nipple butter from Earth Mama was a serious life saver during this unfortunate period of sore nipples. I was using it religiously after each feed and showers. I also love their scar balm which I use on my c-section scar. With those new teeth came very sore gums, so we ended up using these organic teething drops very often just to relieve poor baby Sage. They don’t last super long, but they still help, especially during a melt down!
Sage Loves
Sage started standing up and walking along the edge of the couch, or crawling to tables and chairs to pull himself up on. This presented a problem once he started pulling things off of shelves and tables lol, but it is so cute to watch him explore his surroundings. He is learning and growing so much, so fast! Sage also loves playing with Arlo and his dog toys, splashing around in his bath, and our family outings to the grocery store, Goodwill, etc. He also loves chasing around our Roomba vacuum. Both he and Arlo were super scared of it at first, but now he’s always looking for it.
Sage Doesn’t Love
Sage doesn’t love being stuck in his play pen. He doesn’t mind playing in their for a little while, but he will quickly whine to get out, he much prefers crawling around and exploring. He also doesn’t love it when we try to help him walk by holding him under his arms. He starts lifting his legs off the ground and just refuses to be pushed. We have to come realize that he just likes to do things when he is ready to.