Sage Wylder’s Seven & Eight Month Baby Update

I am just now getting Sage’s seven and eight month updates up, the months have been flying by! He had his first cold at seven months which was super tough because I was sick too. He started sitting up, and rolling on his own, which he was very pleased about! He also started taking swim lessons, and he loves splashing around in the pool at my parent’s house. This boy was definitely meant to be outside! I couldn’t wait to spend more time outdoors with him when it cooled down here in Arizona. At eight months old Sagie had four teeth and several more are popping through. He loves eating his homemade blends, and going on walks! Nighttime sleep was super tough, and at the end of eight months he was down to two naps during the day. I was super excited to take him on some fall trips, and to experience his first holiday season (my first holiday season as a momma).

This travel crib from Guava Family has been so convenient! It allows me to have somewhere to put Sage down where I know he is safe to play. It packs up super easily too, so we have brought it with us on several trips for Sage to sleep in. I love the sleek, modern look of it too. I know we will be using this for many more months to come!
Seven Months

We started sleep training Sage when Andrew and I moved into our new rental home. I couldn’t really do that before when we were living with my parent’s because I didn’t want to keep them up. The first attempt was so difficult because Sage would cry for hours so we had to give up. We tried again a few weeks later closer to 8 months, and it took about 11 days for him to figure out how to self soothe… Even then he would wake up once or twice a night for me to feed him, but that was so much better then the every couple of hours I had been used to doing. I was so sleep deprived so that helped me catch up a bit!
I introduced Sage to solids at 6 months, mainly just a chicken and green bean blend that I made and froze as well as avocado and watermelon. Once Andrew and I moved in together, he started making baby blends for Sage! He is a chef and has enjoyed trying out different recipes and seeing if Sage enjoyed them or not. We love his Lalo baby first bites kit for meal time and his Lalo high chair!
Mommy Must Haves
I started taking way more protein at seven months old. The heavier Sage got, the harder it was for me to have the energy to breastfeed him, and hold him for long portions of the day. I like the Gainful protein powder because it has collagen too. I like to add it to a super greens smoothie with Force Factor Smarter Greens! For protein packed snacks I like cheese sticks, Chomps sticks, and Clif bars. I love his pacifier clip too, I always use it when we go on car rides or while running errands to avoid melt downs!
Sage Loves
At seven months old Sage loved splashing around during bath time in his Lalo tub, and giggles when I use a washcloth to wipe his feet and hands. He also giggles when I rub his Tubby Todd lotion on him during his night time routine. He loves it when I read a book to him before bed, especially the book from his Lovevery play kits that have photos of kids or babies, that always make him smile. He tries to turn the pages of the books too!
Sage Doesn’t Love
Sage still was not loving tummy time at seven months, I really had to work at getting the recommended hour of tummy time in! I would have to keep him VERY entertained with toys while he was on his belly, and some days it was just not possible to get the full time in. He did start getting the hang of rolling over though!
Eight Months

After all the time we put into sleep training, nights with Sage are so much better at 8 months but he still wakes up once or twice a night. He is still using his Frigg pacifier and is sleeping in a weighted sleep bag from Dreamland Baby. Another thing that started making sleep tricky was when he started rolling over onto his tummy to sleep, almost like he was trying to crawl. He would wake up like that and freak out. He figured out how to crawl around that same time so I think he was working out how to do it in his sleep!
Mommy is still breastfeeding, but Sage also enjoys the blends that Andrew makes him. The blends he has loved the most are blueberry and oats or strawberry basil & red pepper! Occasionally we have missed a few days if we get busy, but we are trying to focus on fitting in his baby blend meal times more.
Mommy Must Haves
A must have for me at 8 months old was his Lalo high chair! When he didn’t want to go in his Baby Delight bouncer anymore, I had to retire it. The place to put him where I knew he was safe was his high chair. Another thing I started using was is Guava play pen. I didn’t have room for it at my parent’s house but it has come in handy at our new house. He didn’t like it at first, but he will now entertain himself in it for short periods of time.
Sage Loves
Sage loves it when I blow raspberry’s on his belly, legs, and face! It always makes him giggle, and I love the sound of his laughs. He loves blowing bubbles, and makes the funniest fart noises with his mouth. He likes it when Andrew and I mimic the noises he makes. Sage also loves his Arlo! When Andrew and I moved in together, he and Arlo instantly bonded. Arlo “plays” with him by dangling his toys above Sage while he lays on his back on the living room rug and swats to grab the toy. When he’s sitting up, Arlo brings him his ball to “throw” for him, but he mainly just puts it in his mouth lol. We started going on family walks in the morning and evening which Sage also loves! He’s a big people watcher, he especially loves watching people on bikes, scooters, etc.
Sage Doesn’t Love
Sage doesn’t love getting his teeth brushed, when I stick anything in his face (like the Frida Baby Nose Picker), or try to wipe his face. I have had to get clever with brushing by putting toothpaste on his baby toothbrush, and handing it to him to gum up while he takes his bath. It’s better than nothing lol!