Celebrating My 29th Birthday & Life Reflections

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Birthday, 29th birthday, birthday party, birthday cake, birthday tables-cape, birthday decor, birthday, fashion blogger, lifestyle blogger, The Urban Darling, boho decor, boho dining room, gallery wall, houseplants, tropical birthday party, tropical tablescape, boho tablescape, boho chic style.

We celebrated my 29th birthday this week with a city outing, games, and cake of course! 😉 I can’t believe I’m only one year away from 30, which is both exciting and a little frightening to me at the same time… I’m looking forward to our destination wedding next year (we are shooting for late spring, more on that soon) and hopefully starting our family next year! These discussions have made me reflect on myself and what I want for my life more than ever. I’ve slowly been making changes to my daily routines and habits like setting shorter work days for myself, spending more quality time with Schyler and our labradoodle Indio, more yoga + self care sessions, and less social media/tv. A good work/life balance can be hard to find and knowing I can be a bit of a workaholic (due to anxiety/stress), I’ve set a structured schedule for myself to help with that. I know we’ll have to modify it as the years go by so it’s a good habit to get into now!

I’ve also been letting go of people and things in my life that aren’t adding to it. I’ve spent the majority of my life being a people pleaser and making excuses for people that weren’t treating me right. I realized later in life this was tied to self esteem issues from being bullied in school and dealing with trauma at home. It’s taken me a long time to break free of those people pleasing tendencies, although I still have a ton of work left to do on that part of myself. I’m no longer giving energy to “friends” or even family that don’t give the same positive energy back to me because I know thats what I deserve. I only want to make time for people that genuinely support me, encourage me, and/or motivate me moving forward with my life because the people you surround yourself and your loved ones with is very important. As a full time content creator working for myself, the days can get crazy and it’s already hard enough finding extra time to spend with Indio + Schyler or on “me time” and I can only imagine how much crazier things will be when we try to start out family next year. So now more than ever I only want to attract and surround myself with people who truly care about me and add value to my life.

Birthday, 29th birthday, birthday party, birthday cake, birthday tables-cape, birthday decor, birthday, fashion blogger, lifestyle blogger, The Urban Darling, boho decor, boho dining room, gallery wall, houseplants, tropical birthday party, tropical tablescape, boho tablescape, boho chic style.

Get The Look

Every year/birthday that goes by I gain more wisdom, clarity, and confidence in myself which I think is the best part about aging. I can’t wait to celebrate our love next year and for the day that we finally start our family! I have a lot of work left to do to make sure that I’m as healed and ready as I can possibly be to a mommy. Schyler and I plan on working on our relationship too, to make sure it’s in tip top shape for starting a family. Hopefully I’ll be a mommy by my next birthday! 😉 It’s going to be a year filled with lots of changes, hopefully some of the best ones, and I want to thank everyone of you for following along with me! Your support allows me to continue doing what I love and to create the life I want for myself and I appreciate it more than you could know <3


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