Everything You Need For A New Puppy

I have been wanting to write this blog post for so long! I have been Indio’s mommy for a year now (check out this blog post to see Indio’s first year) and I have learned SO much about being a dog mommy. I’ve rounded my absolute must haves for a new puppy in this blog post. Everything is from Amazon so you can easily order and have it shipped to your door. What’s not to love? 😉
One of the most basic things you need for a pet is a leash of course! I wish this rainbow leash had a matching collar but sadly it does not. The collar I’ve linked below coordinates super well with though!
Another must for a new puppy is a collar! This collar comes in multiple sizes based on your dog’s breed. Indio definitely went through a few collars as he was growing so keep that in mind! Sometimes you can get away with an adjustable collar.
These are absolutely amazing! Indio get’s some pretty stinky breath so every couple of days I give him a Greenie. They clean his teeth and keep his breath smelling fresh! Plus, he is OBSESSED with them. They can get a little spendy so I only give him a little chunk to make them last longer!
I’ve found that bowl stands are a necessity! Puppies can get very overly excited during meal time and can create a mess. A dog bowl stand keeps the the bowls from being tipped over or pushed around.
Indio has gotten so big so we need a tall dog bowl stand! Based on your dog’s breed you may need a tall stand over a short one.
A kennel/crate was essential during the potty training process! I swear, Indio was potty trained so quickly because of the crate. He would sleep in his crate at night as a puppy and because dogs don’t like sit in their potty, he would whine for me to take him potty. Mind you I was taking him out about 4-5 times a night for the first month! But he quickly learned that outside was where I would take him to do his potty. He only had a couple accidents inside the house before that. Indio really didn’t care for pee pads but I know some people do use those for potty training!
Dog treats are a must for training! Small dog treats like these ones are best for training because you don’t want to ruin their appetite with too big of treats. Especially because you will be using them a ton at first. There is nothing Indio wouldn’t do for a good treat!
You will definitely need a dog safe shampoo like this one for bathing your dog! I bathe Indio about once a month so they last you quite awhile.
Dog dry shampoo is a life saver! Indio get’s so stinky but you aren’t supposed to bathe dogs too often. Dog dry shampoo helps to mask the stink in between baths.
A brush is another must have especially if you have a dog with lots of fur! Be sure to get the right brush type for your dog breed. I bought one that was recommend to me at a pet store which wasn’t right for Indio’s fur at all!
Indio loves his rope toy! They are awesome for tug-of-war, fetch, and on their own as a chew toy. They are super tough so they will last you a while.
Indio love’s fluffy toys but he definitely goes through these faster because he tends to tear them a part easily! We give these to him more sparingly like during a fetch session. Otherwise we give him toys that are tougher for chewing!
Indio is obsessed with his rubber bone! They are tough so they last a long time and they’re awesome for fetch too.