Meeting with a Nutritionist & My Meal Plan + Regimen

I’ve been visiting Root Whole Body these past few months for massage and acupuncture and recently I decided to meet with their nutritionist/naturopath to discuss my diet and lifestyle. I’ve always been pretty good about eating healthy, but I know that I am lacking in certain areas and wanted someone to help me detect the holes in my diet. Between all the information about health and diet online and misinformation from friends and co-workers that I’ve heard over the years, it’s hard to know where to start.

I sat with Dr. Katherine Walker and discussed some of the dishes I currently eat, how much water I drink, un-healthy symptoms like bloating and headaches and more! She had a lot of amazing suggestions for me! Some of the suggestions were to:
-Drinking more water: aiming for half my body weight in ounces to help with congestion. She also told me to try increasing my intake of mineral water like Topo Chico or Pellegrino. *This has actually been helping a TON with bloating!
-Eating a healthier + bigger breakfast: I’ve replaced my Clif bar breakfast with steel cut oats, strawberries, blueberries, and almond butter. Breakfast is supposed to be my biggest meal of the day but I am still working on that one!
-She also suggested adding a few additional supplements to my regimen; Apple Cider Vinegar capsules, Ferasorb (B12), Vitamin D (5000 IU), and Simlase to help with bloating as well.
-More fiber; aiming for 2-4 tbsp of ground flax or chia seeds daily. I’ve been adding it to oatmeal and smoothies!

I took a Food Sensitivity Test with EverlyWell and discovered that I’m highly sensitive to yeast (which is in most breads) and moderately sensitive to dairy. I eat meat occasionally when I go out, but avoid eating meat at home. So it can be a bit tricky to game plan meal ideas within these parameters! I asked Katherine to help me outline a meal plan focusing on gluten-free, dairy free, and plant-based recipes. She sent me over a pdf with tons of recipe options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner which was amazing! I’ve started incorporating some into meal times already.
I’ve already seen amazing results after making these adjustments! I feel so much less bloated throughout the day and I’ve had a lot less stomach pain. I still have a lot of work to do, but I am very excited to see long-term results.