Sage Wylder’s Newborn Baby Photo Shoot

Introducing my baby boy Sage Wylder! Sage was born at 12:27 am on January 31st via C-Section at Chandler Regional hospital after 3 days of labor. The labor & delivery was very traumatic labor for me and if you are interested in our birth story you can read about it in this blog post. I am so thankful that he is here, safe & healthy. He is an Aquarius and I’m a Cancer so we are both water signs! I never thought I would have an Aquarius and I can’t wait to see what his personality is like in the upcoming years. Sweet baby boy was in the NICU for 3 days and after a week of recovering at the hospital, we were able to come home. I finally got the chance to shoot some newborn photos of Sage at 2 weeks old! My mom helped me shoot a lot of these photos and the rest I shot myself. I love how sweet he looks and I will definitely cherish these photos of my baby forever!

Shop Our Looks

I can’t believe how little he looks in these photos! Sage Wylder was 7 pounds 8 ounces and 21.25″ in length when he was born. At his first pediatric appointment just a day or so before we shot these photos, he was already an ounce over his birth weight! Must be all that good breast milk I’ve been giving him 😉 He is definitely a hungry, hungry hippo! He loves breastfeeding, skin to skin, and taking naps on mama. He hates getting his diaper changed and being cold during outfit changes.The first few days home were a little tough mainly due to sleep deprivation, but Sage and mama are starting to get into a bit more of a daily routine which is so nice!

Shop Nursery Style

There are so many things you need to care for your baby! If you are looking for swaddles, sleep bags, or cute clothes & toys, head to Maisonette. Use code HELLO10 to get 10% off your order at Maisonette.

When Sage was first born, all of my friends & family and Sage’s dad’s family thought that baby boy looked like mama. I definitely see that but I also see his dad in him and I can’t wait to see how he changes over the upcoming months! What color will his hair end up being? What color of eyes will he have? It’ll be exciting to see how he develops. Mama is so in love with her beautiful baby boy! He is perfection in my eyes.