5 Benefits of Adding Collagen to Your Regimen

Ever since I heard about the benefits of taking collagen, I’ve been wanting to add it to my regimen. So I was really excited when NeoCell reached out to me to try out their collagen products! NeoCell is a natural product company based in California, that carries natural supplements for skin care, health, and wellness. I’m 25 years old and over the years, I’ve been experiencing more achiness and cracking in my joints. With the help of these two products, I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my joints!

NeoCell, collagen, the benefits of collagen, arthritis, achy joints, wrinkles, digestive health, blogger, natural products

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a complex structural protein that helps maintain strength and flexibility throughout the body. It’s the most abundant protein in the body that promotes skin elasticity, protects your organs, provides structure to joints and tendons, and promotes skin elasticity. As we age, collagen depletion leads to common signs of aging in the skin, hair, nails, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. These are all things we want to avoid right?! So you can see why I wanted to add more collagen to my regimen stat!

NeoCell, collagen, the benefits of collagen, arthritis, achy joints, wrinkles, digestive health, blogger, natural products

The two products I’ve been using from NeoCell are the Super Collagen powder and the Joint Bursts. I’ve been adding one scoop of the Super Collagen to a mug of hot water (with a splash of honey and almond milk!) in the morning. I love the way it tastes! The powder dissolves into the hot water instantly. I take one joint burst later on in the day. If these were candy, I would be in danger because they are actually really tasty! The Super Collagen powder contains BioActive NeoCell Collagen which helps to support healthy collagen formation throughout the entire body. The Join Bursts combine Collagen Type 2, Turmeric, and Hyaluronic Acid. Collagen Type 2 is the main structural protein of joint cartilage while Hyaluronic Acid lubricates the joints. Turmeric is high in curcuminoids.

NeoCell, collagen, the benefits of collagen, arthritis, achy joints, wrinkles, digestive health, blogger, natural products

What are the benefits of Collagen?

May reverse skin aging.

When collagen production declines with age, it can lead to fine lines, loose skin and dryness. Collagen is a protein that provides elasticity to the skin. This helps skin appear more youthful and healthy! It also significantly reduces wrinkles.

May ease joint pain.

As cartilage weakens and deteriorates with age, you may start to feel stiff achy joints like I was experiencing. Collagen may help ease joint pain and it can also help alleviate symptoms of arthritis!

Helps build muscle and burn fat. 

Collagen is a major component of muscle tissue so it has a big impact in building muscle mass. It also contains an amino acid called glycine, which can help fuel muscles during your workout.

May improve digestive health.

Collagen can help support and strengthen the protective lining of your digestive tract. By increasing your intake of collagen, you can help build up the tissues in the digestive tract and promote better gut health.

May reduce cellulite.

Collagen can also help to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

NeoCell, collagen, the benefits of collagen, arthritis, achy joints, wrinkles, digestive health, blogger, natural products

I don’t know about you guys, but these are all health concerns of mine! I am thrilled to have found out about collagen and it’s amazing benefits. I’ve been taking these products for about a month now and so far I’ve noticed that my joints feel a lot less sore and I haven’t experience any more cracking! I can’t wait to see what my results are another month from now.

I definitely reccomend checking out the products that NeoCell has to offer and adding collagen to your regimen!



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